Jordan Slaton
ETA Intern Jan - March 2020
I found the internship to be so valuable to me as a choreographer in multiple ways. I got to view and be inspired by works from people I look up to as artists, and I also got to give my own feedback to other artists/peers and help in processes themselves. I got to help with the production aspect a bit too, which I got to display skills I've previously learned working on crews as well as learn more. I even got the opportunity to be in the show working with a prop, which was a bit unfamiliar at first but I am so glad I got to do it. I basically have a whole new appreciation for what goes into putting on performances. I felt valued by the team and was grateful to be introduced to this opportunity.
Tori Vincent
Aug 2019 - May 2020
Fly On a Wall has welcomed me into their dance and arts community starting before I was a resident of Atlanta. Within the one year of my internship I was offered immense support, encouragement, guidance, opportunities, and skills I will use throughout my career. I will forever cherish everything I have learned from and shared with the Fly On a Wall Team and their creative environment.

Christina Massad
Aug 2017 - May 2018
I began volunteering for Fly years before I became their intern, and becoming their intern was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Because of Fly I have been given new opportunities, connected with the ATL dance scene, grew my artistry beyond measures, learned (and am continuously learning) how to run an organization, performed, taught morning classes + more. I've loved finding my voice through this platform by being on the team. These people are some of the most caring, intentional, creative humans I have ever met.